Monday, January 14, 2008

My Regimen

*Note: I see JJ Tuesday January 15th, 2007, for a full consultation, so my holistic regimen may change. If it does I will update this post.

My Uterine Fibriod Tea consist of the following herbs:
Dandelion Root (helps decongest the liver, detox)
Yellow Dock Root (detox)
Ginger Root
Licorice Root
Vitex (Chaste) Berries (normalize estrogen levels by stimulating progesterone production)
Nettle (Rich in Iron helps in relieving Anemia)
Red Clover Leaves
Red Raspberry Leaves
Wild Yam

JJ Worked out the actual amounts and I think I ended up with 10 ounces of tea. To make the tea I use 4 tablespoons per quart. I drink 1 quart a day. I put in parentheses what the book Herbal Healing Secrets for Women says about the herb. From what I’ve read the herbs in this tea are helpful in detoxifying, and balancing my hormones.

Shepard’s Purse: For the uterine bleeding (Menorrhagia) I drink 1 cup of tea a day made with 1 tablespoon of Shepard’s Purse.

The Herbal Healing Secrets book had formulas for cramp relief and insomnia relief, both of which I was having problems with. I take these as needed. I put a few droppers full of the cramp relief in what I am drinking. I put a 2-3 droppers full of the insomnia relief in heated almond milk. Yummy!! JJ says I can use Hazelnut milk too. I love Hazelnuts!!

Cramp Relief Formula:
1 ounce Cramp Bark Extract (relax muscle spasm)
½ ounce Valerian or Hops Extract
½ ounce White Willow Bark Extract
¼ ounce Ginger Root Extract

Insomnia Relief Formula:
1 ounce Valerian Root Extract
½ ounce Hops Extract
½ ounce Passionflower Extract

JJ recommended some Milk Thistle Powder. According to my Herbal Healing book, the Silymarin in Milk thistle protects the liver, helps stimulate the growth of healthy new liver cells and improves it’s the ability to detoxify estrogen. Sorry JJ but that powder taste NASTY!! I purchased GAIA Herbs Milk Thistle Seed caplets. I take 2-3 a day.

I also take Premier Science’s Indoplex (DIM). It says it “Supports healthy breast, uterine, cervical and prostate tissue*” Also Premier Science’s Calcium D-Glucarate. It says it “ Enhances detoxification and promotes estrogen metabolism to support cellular health”

At night I do a Castor Oil Pack.

I will use Natual Progesterone cream 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on days 12 to 26 of my menstruation Cycle. (First day of Menstruation is day 1. See Natural Progesterone Cream article)

I still take my Repliva a prescription Iron supplement. Right now I need it.

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