Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Embolization a Nonsurgical Way to Treat Fibroids

Here is an article published on March 18, 2008 regarding Uterine Artery Embolization, as a nonsurgical way to treat uterine fibriods.

During 2007 the only treatment my doctors mentioned for my fibriods was a Hysterectomy. Luckily my mother mentioned UFE. I did an internet search and found that in Portland, Oregon the Oregon Health & Science University was conducting UFE. Unfortunately in December 2007 after an appointment with the OHSU Interventional Radiologist, I was told that I was not a good candidate for their program. Shortly after receiving this information I decide to attempt to shrink my fibriods with holistic treatments in the hope that I could become a good candidate for UFE.
Check out this except from the article:

"But Lipman suspected that -- despite the procedure's efficacy -- many women aren't being made aware of UAE. In his study, the Emory researcher interviewed 105 women being seen at an Atlanta-area fibroid practice to assess whether or not they had been told by their gynecologists that uterine artery embolization was an option. Lipman pointed out that gynecologists don't perform UAE, interventional radiologists do. So, if women were not informed about the procedure by their gynecologist, Lipman asked how they learned about UAE.

He found that only 33 percent of the women were given uterine artery embolization as an option, and most of these patients were referred from a single health-care organization -- one that requires doctors to present all options. The most common way that the remaining women found out about uterine artery embolization was eitherfrom radio advertisements or the Internet"

Not to bash doctors, but we can not rely only on doctors to give us information. When it comes to our health, we need all the facts and information we can get so that we can make an informed decision. That is why I created this blog and that is why you should pass the information on to your friends and family.

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