Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Is Diet Effecting Your Fertility?

I was wondering if diet had any effect on fertility and found some informative articles:

Diet And Lifestyle Changes May Help Prevent Infertility From Ovulatory Disorders ScienceDaily (2007-11-04) -- Women who followed a combination of five or more lifestyle factors, including changing specific aspects of their diets, experienced more than 80 percent less relative risk of infertility due to ovulatory disorders compared to women who engaged in none of the factors, according to an article in Obstetrics & Gynecology. ... > read full article

Fat, Carbs and the Science of Conception Newsweek (2007-12-10 issue) -- In a groundbreaking new book, Harvard researchers look at the role of diet, exercise and weight control in fertility. Guarantee: you will be surprised.

Trying to conceive? Time for a fertility diet

According to my doctors even with the fibriods you can still get pregnant, however you may not be able to carry full term. I don't think I'm fertile because of my inflamed fallopian tubes. I am working on dealing with the fact that because of my age and health problems I may never give birth to a baby. I am going to see a fertility specialist but I got to mentally prepare for the worst case, so that I don't break down like I did with the fibriod diagnosis.

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